The course on "TC - III: ICT in Education" is designed for M.Ed. Students of the University Department of Teacher Education, Bhubaneswar. The course is a compulsory part of the M.Ed. curriculum of Utkal University. All M.Ed. students of the UDTE are required to join the course. At present, the course on "ICT in Education" is open to students of UDTE only.
This course has three units in total.
Unit 1: Introduction to Educational Technology
Unit 2: Communication and Educational Technology
Unit 3: ICT and Education

- Course Facilitator: Gautam Kumar
The course on "CSC-II: Secondary Education" is designed for M.Ed. Students of the University Department of Teacher Education, Bhubaneswar. The course is a compulsory part of the M.Ed. curriculum of Utkal University. All M.Ed. students of the UDTE are required to join the course. At present, the course on "Secondary Education" is open to students of UDTE only.
This course has five units in total.
Unit 1: Developmental Perspectives
Unit 2: Programmes and Strategies
Unit 3: Planning and Governance
Unit 4: Pedagogical Practices in Secondary Education
Unit 5: Issues, Challenges and Strategies

- Course Facilitator: Gautam Kumar
The course on "CSC-I: Elementry Education" is designed for M.Ed. Students of the University Department of Teacher Education, Bhubaneswar. The course is a compulsory part of the M.Ed. curriculum of Utkal University. All M.Ed. students of the UDTE are required to join the course. At present, the course on "Elementry Education" is open to students of UDTE only.
This course has five units in total.
Unit 1: Elementry Education: Developmental Perspectives
Unit 2: Programmes and Strategies for UEE
Unit 3: Planning and Governance of UEE
Unit 4: Pedagogical Practices in Elementry Education
Unit 5: Concerns and Challenges of UEE